Spacemaker - Bitwig Device
Spacemaker is a Bitwig native device similar to a well-known VST that analyses an external sidechain signal and automatically applies an inverse curve to the main signal, automatically cutting clashing frequencies from the main signal. The device uses 16 frequency bands for the analysis process, with an optional M/S mode available. It is useful for dynamically creating space in busy mixes, for example ducking the frequencies of a kick drum from a synth bass, or a vocal from a piano,
Basic Usage:
Select a sidechain source via the Sidechain layer, and then dial in 'Sensitivity' to a desired level. You can monitor the frequencies that Spacemaker is cutting via the Overview layer, with the pre effect signal shown as an orange outline, and the effected signal shown as a blue solid.
There are a number of macros I have set up for easy tweaking of effect.
Sensitivity - Adjust the sensitivity of the effect, at 0% there will be no effect applied at all, and at 100% the effect will be most noticeable.
Lo Thresh - Sets the lowest frequency at which Spacemaker will affect signal, ranging from 20Hz at 0%, and 650Hz at 100%. Turn up if you want to keep lower frequencies unaffected.
Hi Thresh - Sets the highest frequency at which Spacemaker will affect signal, ranging from 650Hz at 0% and 20KHz at 100%. Turn down if you want to keep higher frequencies unaffected.
Lookahead - Adjusts the lookahead time for analysis, allowing Spacemaker to cut frequencies before sidechain signal is heard. Obviously this will add latency to the device.
Attack - Sets the attack time for Spacemaker, ranging from 1ms to 1s
Release - Sets the release time for Spacemaker, ranging from 1ms to 1s
M/S Mode - When enabled, the mids and sides will be effected independently of each other, which can be useful if your sidechain source is in mono, which will allow the sides of the main signal to remain unaffected. Enabling this will slightly increase CPU usage.
Peak/RMS - By default, Spacemaker uses peaks for analysis. When enabled, it will use RMS for analysis, which may sound better / more natural in some situations.
Gain Trim - This option is available via the modulator panel on Spacemaker, and allows a +/- 36dB gain trim on the sidechain signal. If you set 'Sensitivity' to 100% but still don't have much effect, try turning this knob up.
v1.1.1 - Fixed EQ shelves that were intended to be bells.
1x .bwpreset file