School Kit
I made 'School Kit' as an experiment to see if I could create a multi-sampled drum kit recorded exclusively with the built-in MacBook Pro microphone. It ended up sounding better than I expected so I decided to upload it here as a name-your-price download.
It samples kick, snare (rim/center/roll), sticks, hats (closed/open/bell/pedal), two toms, cowbell, ride (mid/bell), crash (mid/bell), and a splash. All hits are multi-sampled with 3 velocity layers and 3-7 round robins, and no other sounds were used other than what I recorded with the MacBook microphone.
To install, open the Ableton Live pack somewhere on your computer, then open the .als project and hit the floppy disk icon above the 4 macro controls to save the .adg to your user library. This kit requires Ableton Live Suite 11.1 due to some processing devices used only being in Suite.
Sound Demo:
No other post-processing done to the sound other than Ableton Limiter on the master.
1x .alp file